Greetabl Collaboration for Father's Day
With Father's Day rapidly approaching we want to talk to you seriously about your Dad and his mailbox.
Consider the items your father typically receives in the mail:
1. Bills.
2. Maybe your bills.
3. Coupon booklets - coldly addressed to "Current Resident" even though he's lived there for 23 years.
4. Cleaning reminders from his dentist.
5. Invitations to subscribe to "You're Old Now" magazines.
Depressing, isn't it? You can help. You can give your Dad a gift that is worthy of his presence.
Snake Bite Co. has partnered with Greetabl to offer what can easily be considered the best thing your Dad will ever get in the mail. (Considering the list, it's not hard to compete - but still...) In case you don't know about Greetabl - here's the deal: Greetabl is a St. Louis based company and their product is 100% sourced and made in America. It's like we're fraternal twins! Their custom fold-able, mail-able, and joy giving gift boxes have been on the scene since 2012 and we've been customers from the beginning. We're thrilled to have finally "snaked" our way into a Greetabl ourselves!

This Father's Day you can send your Dad the Original Snake Bite forked church key bottle opener with more ceremony than our typical luxury yellow bubble mailers. If you do the right thing, your Dad will receive a box in the mail that holds that amazing package in the center-and inside of that package will be our most popular Original Snake Bite in brown leather.
Dad might be wary at first, as he has most likely never received a package in the mail that he did not order himself, but once he opens the box he will see your personalized message and cry pure tears of joy.

...and they HAND WRITE your message! Do you even write with your actual hands anymore?
PRO TIP: If you're planning on seeing Dad on Father's Day, be sure to bring a 6-pack of his favorite brew. Vent cans. Make memories.
While you're enjoying your most successful Father's Day gift giving to date, be sure to get a good shot to share on social media, because if it's not on Instagram, it didn't happen. Tag us, @snakebitecousa & @greetabl so we can wish your Dad a happy Father's Day!
Go forth Snake Biters - bring joy!